Room painted with spraypaint and acrylic paint.
Wooden sculpture done with spraypaint. Sold.
One of the most well-known myths of the quite enriched Greek mythology, is the taking of Europe by god Zeus. As the story goes, Zeus turned into taurus in order to approach yound and beautiful Europe. Many artists around the world, have been insprired by the Greek myth and the have mainly depicted the taking of Europe by god Zeus. My theory shows Europe and Taurus being separated, almost ready to fight.
By modifying the myth, I want to show that a love affair does not always end with a happy ending. The same holds in people’s lives as well. The conditions of modern living often cause unpleasant and depressing circumstances in people’s lives. Nowadays, especially in Greece, under the crisis of capitalistic system, it is quite often that young people are not able to achieve their goals. Young couples face huge difficulties. The fact that young couples are not able to make future plans and stand on their own feet, is considered to be a modern pestilence. Thus, they end up broken-up or they live in misery. Neither love nor passion is enough in order to override fights and the obstacles of the route of survival. Every young person have to be concerned and fight against the cause of the problem.